Biker Lands on Top of Car That Keeps Driving After Crash

A Southern California motorcyclist and motovlogger is lucky to be alive today after he rear-ended a car that cut him off in freeway traffic.

On the morning of May 19, a rider who goes by the handle HD2 was southbound on the Hollywood Freeway in Los Angeles. Traffic is pretty heavy on the 170 during rush hour, but our man was cruising along in the mostly clear carpool lane on his Harley-Davidson Fat Bob, enjoying his morning commute. Unfortunately for him, things were about to go sideways real fast.

As HD2 approached the Burbank exit, a blue Toyota cut from the middle lane, across the hammer lane, and into the HOV lane to bypass some slow-moving traffic – and cut directly into HD2’s path. Thankfully, HD2 had rolled off his throttle as he approached the clot of traffic, but he was still moving at a good clip when the Toyota appeared. With only seconds to react, he pulled in the clutch and stomped on his rear brake pedal, locking up his rear wheel. He let off the brake, but it was too late to maneuver and he plowed directly into the rear of the Toyota.

The impact threw HD2 over the handlebars, and he landed on his back on the Toyota’s rear window. Apparently unaware that he’d just caused a nasty crash, the Toyota driver continued on his way with HD2 pounding on the rear window, trying to get him to stop. Eventually the driver stopped, and a shaken but mostly uninjured HD2 confronted him. He quickly discovered that the Toyota was a rental, and the young man driving it had waived the add-on rental insurance. The California Highway Patrol arrived soon after, took statements, and helped get the sadly mangled Harley onto what little shoulder there was.

“The funniest thing I remember was that when I informed the officer that he had crossed in front of me by illegally moving over the double yellow, the officer’s response was, ‘But did he have his blinker on?'” HD2 told Autoblog.

Aside from some nerve damage in his leg and a sore back, HD2 walked away from the crash relatively unscathed. Unfortunately, his bike wasn’t so lucky and was totaled by the insurance company due to frame damage. The Toyota driver was not cited for his role in the crash, but HD2 said that he won’t pursue any claims or charges against him.

“With all of that said, I have not pursued to sue the individual or go after him in any way. I do not know if my insurance has contacted him or if the rental company has contacted him. I hope that he has just learned his lesson.”

Article by: Jason Marker /

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