Watch this Crazy Mercedes Driver Running Over a Security Guard for a Parking Spot

A video footage that has surfaced on the Internet that shows a Mercedes car running over a security guard – all for a parking spot.

In a bizarre incident in China, a security guard tried to stop a Mercedes from entering a parking lot, however, the driver drove his car onto him to get inside. A Shanghaiist report said, “A dedicated security guard in Shenzhen put his own body on the line to stop a Mercedes driver from entering a parking lot on Tuesday.” The report further claims that the guard lay down on the road in front of the Mercedes to stop him.

A video footage that has surfaced on the Internet shows the security guard lying down in front of the car as it goes ahead and runs over him. The news website also said that according to the Police, the guard passed underneath the vehicle without suffering serious injury. The incident is currently under investigation.

The 52-second video has garnered more than 106,000 views at the time of writing, and people have lambasted the Mercedes driver for the incident.

Article by: Trends Desk /


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