Over half a billion dollars is Fast&Furious cars damage cost
Fast and Furious movies are all amazing and we can’t wait for the next episode. You can see a lot of car actions which will amaze everyone and especially car lovers. But have you ever think what is the cost of all that cars damage cost? British insurance website “Insure the Gap” calculated all costs of cars damage and ended up with the large amount of $523,222,275.
Website also categorized these damages by movie, types of damage and damage by characters. The movie with most damage cars and highest cost is “Furious 7”. The total amount of cars damage in FF7 is $250.000 which half of the total amount of damages. Which is the cheapest? It’s “Fast and Furious 1”,which caused cars damage of $25.000.
Which carachter caused most cars damage? It’s Deckard Shaw played by Jason Statham who made a damage of $185,597,144, while the second and third characters are Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel) and Luke Hobbs(Dwayne Johnson) respectively.